Wednesday 13 May 2009

Rude awakening...

So I arrived home last night by 11pm after the BBQ finale of i-Cafe, and began to get ready for my usual Tuesday night cycle. Shaun of the Dead was on ITV2 and it wasn't long before it had distracted me long enough to postpone my training for a day or two.

I went to bed tired and sleepy and forgot to send a text to Sharon to let her know I was home safe.

In the middle of the night I could hear a thud. Like a bassy thud which would happen every few seconds before a glassy thud. I lay there for awhile thinking about what this could possibly be. Was it in my dreams or was it in reality? Eventually I could take it no more and got out of bed to see what it was. Lo and behold, Sharon was outside on the street pelting my window with a foam racquet she'd found in the boot of the car. I looked at her and quickly had the dreaded feeling that I must have forgotten something. She mouthed for me to open the door, so I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. The light suddenly came on as I realised I hadn't told her I didn't go out on the bike. I can only imagine how the messages soon turned to desperate phone calls, and as we both share an imagination that always features the worst case scenario; the chances of Sharon falling asleep without knowing for certain I was okay had quickly dissolved. Hence why she was now standing on my doorstep at 2:30am.

And as we men know, rather than allow her joy at me being alive to overflow, she acted as most females would, and displayed her anger at my lack of consideration and thoughtfulness.



Peter Azor said...

Excellent! It may seem to people that you are trying hard to cancel the wedding in various very indirect ways but for us who know you a bit you are slowly but surely making your progress to the very top of our prayer lists. LOL

Anonymous said...

Can I just mention Mr. Wilson, my emotions were very mixed that night and you seem to have acquired selective memory syndrome...MEN!

Dave Wilson said...

I wonder who Anonymous could be...