Friday 1 May 2009

Late Nights & Early Mornings

So last night I went out for 9 miles, left the house about 10.30pm and back in an hour. Felt pretty good with myself and I knew that the effort was going to ensure I fell asleep quickly.

However this morning I awoke and there was very little noise outside. Normally I would hear many cars going past, or my housemate or brother up and about, but today it was unusally silent. My phone was off, so I quickly looked at my watch, which said ten to 4. Relieved at this, I looked over at the windows and my joy quickly turned to suprise, as the light which was winding it's way round the edges of the curtains suggested sunrise must have been very, very early today. Thus curious at the strange natural phenomenon outside, I shook the sleep from my eyes and looked again at my timepiece.

Twas actually 10.20 and I was going to be exceptionally late for work.

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