Sunday 31 May 2009


So I'm back in tonight after a 37 mile cycle, which combined with yesterday's 30 miles, gives me a weekend total of 67 miles!

Which STILL isn't even one day of cycling.

P.S Congratulations to all the guys from the team who made it round Lough Neagh on Saturday! Quite impressive I think you'll agree!

Sunday 24 May 2009

I knew a woman who swallowed a fly...

Except it wasn't a woman, it was me!

I am just back from a 25 mile cycle, and managed to swallow a fly on the Moneyreagh to Comber Road. A small bug's flight path crossed in front of my gob as I was gulping in air and proceeded to make me cough, splutter and retch as I cycled along.

Not only did I get one in the mouth, I also managed to get one in the eye, and have now determined that I should procure a pair of sporty sunglasses! So if anyone reading this has a pair and would like to lend them to me for a week, you could save my sight!

Tuesday 19 May 2009

It never rains but it pours...

Now that I am 25 I am entitled to drive minibuses (though not for financial gain mind!), I had to collect one in Newtownards on Friday. I didn't want to leave my car there overnight, so thought why not cycle it!

The road was dry as I set out from home, and it was only when I reached Ballyhackamore that the rain started to fall lightly upon my face. By the time I reached the Knock carriageway, it was hammering down and I was beginning to have flashbacks of almost every cycle I have gone on in recent weeks! I pushed on though and managed to make it to Scrabo. As I arrived in to the car park it struck me that there was no bus in sight, and my good friend Glen Johnston was looking rather embarrassed. Glen had forgotten to inform me the bus had broken down and was over in Bangor. Not only had I wasted my morning, Glen also walked into the toilets as I was standing in my lycra bib shorts trying to dry myself, and has taken to calling me Borat.

So following that horrible experience on Friday, I chose not to do any cycling until last night, where I clocked up 13 miles. Thanks to Nixo for providing the Galwally rest stop and for not calling me Borat!

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Rude awakening...

So I arrived home last night by 11pm after the BBQ finale of i-Cafe, and began to get ready for my usual Tuesday night cycle. Shaun of the Dead was on ITV2 and it wasn't long before it had distracted me long enough to postpone my training for a day or two.

I went to bed tired and sleepy and forgot to send a text to Sharon to let her know I was home safe.

In the middle of the night I could hear a thud. Like a bassy thud which would happen every few seconds before a glassy thud. I lay there for awhile thinking about what this could possibly be. Was it in my dreams or was it in reality? Eventually I could take it no more and got out of bed to see what it was. Lo and behold, Sharon was outside on the street pelting my window with a foam racquet she'd found in the boot of the car. I looked at her and quickly had the dreaded feeling that I must have forgotten something. She mouthed for me to open the door, so I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. The light suddenly came on as I realised I hadn't told her I didn't go out on the bike. I can only imagine how the messages soon turned to desperate phone calls, and as we both share an imagination that always features the worst case scenario; the chances of Sharon falling asleep without knowing for certain I was okay had quickly dissolved. Hence why she was now standing on my doorstep at 2:30am.

And as we men know, rather than allow her joy at me being alive to overflow, she acted as most females would, and displayed her anger at my lack of consideration and thoughtfulness.


Monday 11 May 2009

The Power of Coffee & Scones

After getting soaked on Thursday night, I then ventured out with the team on Saturday morning for a cycle around Lough Neagh. We met at 7am and took off clockwise around the lough. A light drizzle had been falling, but nothing too serious. As time progressed, and as we got lost, the rain became heavier until we had been cycling for over an hour in heavy rain and strong winds. As we headed out of Portadown towards Coalisland, the decision was made to return to Portadown for a coffee and then on to the cars. I suggested the Yellow Door, a cafe in the centre of town.

It really was quite amazing. I had cycled over 20 miles without a break in terrible conditions, and was cold and wet through to my skin. My shoes were filled with water and my muscles were beginning to ache. However, as we began to cycle back to Portadown, the knowledge that I was going to be tucking into a freshly made scone and an americano filled me with such energy I felt like I had just consumed a cocktail of 4 Red Bulls, 4 espressos and a litre of coca cola. I raced into Portadown as if I was an Olympian, giving everyone else on the team the false impression that my fitness levels have dramatically improved.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who is continuing to sponsor me for this cycle, we're on our way to reaching the £2000 mark!

Friday 8 May 2009

If moisture is the essence of wetness...

and wetness is the essence of beauty, then I looked pretty good last night!

Training abandoned due to a torrential downpour.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Midnight Cycling

So as you will know I'm trying to train at night. Last night was difficult as I arrived home and only got leaving the house at 11pm, but managed to tear around East and South Belfast within an hour, so pretty flipping pleased! I also worked out that along my journey last night I passed the homes of a few friends and family, and could have had a few comfort breaks along the way!

Maybe next time.

Monday 4 May 2009


So I provided Sharon with yet another reason to end this relationship yesterday!

I did no cycling training this weekend, but thought to indulge in a bit of wacky outdoor sporting fun with a 4.5 metre power kite borrowed from former housemate Juls. Taking it down to Sharon's folks house, I then proceeded to fly it in their front garden. After a period of dragging myself around the grass, and Sharon's brother Dave and Dad enjoying the banter, Sharon's brother then suggested one last flight, so I agreed. I was running late for a meeting, but thought, what harm can it do?

The kite went up, and stayed up in the air for a couple of minutes, before pulling me across the garden and flying straight into the roof of her parents house, entangling itself in the chimney pots. I turned to Dave, and looked at my future brother in law, doubled over in laughter. The following 45 minutes was a rescue mission involving four people, a ladder, a JCB and a pair of welly boots. I'll post a photo at some point for evidence and your enjoyment.

Friday 1 May 2009

Late Nights & Early Mornings

So last night I went out for 9 miles, left the house about 10.30pm and back in an hour. Felt pretty good with myself and I knew that the effort was going to ensure I fell asleep quickly.

However this morning I awoke and there was very little noise outside. Normally I would hear many cars going past, or my housemate or brother up and about, but today it was unusally silent. My phone was off, so I quickly looked at my watch, which said ten to 4. Relieved at this, I looked over at the windows and my joy quickly turned to suprise, as the light which was winding it's way round the edges of the curtains suggested sunrise must have been very, very early today. Thus curious at the strange natural phenomenon outside, I shook the sleep from my eyes and looked again at my timepiece.

Twas actually 10.20 and I was going to be exceptionally late for work.