c.27 hours on a saddle.
c.400 miles covered.
1 Hybrid bike.
6 full Irish Breakfasts.
7 Gel packs.
1 pulled knee ligament.
2 fingers with nerve damage.
10 Carbmix Powerbars.
4 Protein shakes.
Too many litres of water to count.
2 burnt thighs.
I want to thank everyone who supported me in this, and for those who gave money. We have raised over £1,600 which is just amazing.
Thanks to Nick, Trevor, Ed and Peter for their cycling advice and a couple of items of kit.
Thanks to Uncle John for the use of the bike these past two months.
There's plenty of stories, but I won't bore you all with them just yet! Sorry I couldn't get online more often to update you as I went!
Again, sincere thanks to all of you.
God bless,
P.S. You can still donate money by going to
or when you see me in person.