Wednesday 14 February 2007

Journey's End

There is definitely something so final about funerals. No-one likes to be faced with death, though it's the only sure fire thing that you know will definitely happen in your life, yet still no-one bets on it.

Maybe it impresses upon you the fact you haven't accomplished all that you set out to when you were young. Chances came and went and you never took them, or maybe even someone came and went, and you never held on to them. Maybe the little work you've done never made you fully happy, or maybe the lots of work you've done made others unhappy. Maybe you never spent time with one person, maybe you spent too much with various persons. Maybe you never told or showed those closest to you that underneath all of life's rubbish, you actually do love them. Who knows, all you do know is that at the end of it you're going to be dust, and no amount of money, friends, achievements or apologies are going to change that.

Except if you believe in God and Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. And I don't just mean any God, I mean the one true God, the God of the Bible. John 3:16, one of the most well known verses in the world, explains why. So when our time on earth is finished, our bodies will pass away but our souls will return home to be with our Saviour. God loved each one of us so much, that despite how badly we get on, all the crap that we do, He still put His Son on the cross for me, and for you.

There was a girl named Charitie L. Bancroft, born in Ireland, who 140 years ago decided to write a song that would encapsulate how she felt about her salvation. The song was "
Before the Throne of God Above".
"My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart;
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart."
How amazing to think that God knows me by name, for my name is on His heart. Hallelujah! So no matter when I die, for when it happens it's going to be a friggin joyous occassion. Sure people might be upset, but I pray not for long, because God has taken me to be with Him where I can sit it out waiting with loved ones that have gone before, and for loved ones that are coming.
People call death Journey's end, but it's not because it's the last stop and it's final, it's because you finally get to celebrate and enjoy yourself after taking all that time to get there. It's like finally coming home after being away for a long time; there's not a feeling like it.

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