Friday 30 April 2010

It's nearly here...

This will be my last posting before the race. I want to thank you for your support, and I hope that you will remember the happy go-lucky, beautiful, care free individual I was, rather than the pain-ridden, blister soled, sweat bucket that you may see next week. Though similar to the guy on the right, I may be running long in to the night...

I also want to thank everyone who has sponsored me so far, it's been fantastic. However, there are many people who still haven't sponsored me. If you haven't yet found the time to do it, PLEASE do so today. I would love to hit my target over this weekend before the race on Monday. Just click on the link below or to the right, fill out a couple of details; it's that simple. Or if you want to sponsor me in person, please get in touch asap.

Run strong!*


(*Apologies for the cheeseyness of that last comment, I couldn't help myself)

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