I have just discovered I am to move out of my current accomodation within the next few weeks. I will revert back to my more rustic dwelling, and if you see me in my new abode, please feel free to stick yer head in an' say hello.

Spontaneous, irregular, aberrant, aimless, capricious, casual, changeable, designless, desultory, disconnected, discontinuous, eccentric, erratic, faltering, fitful, fluctuating, fragmentary, haphazard, hit-or-miss, inconstant, indiscriminate, infrequent, intermittent, jerky, nonuniform, occasional, out of order, patchy, purposeless, recurrent, shaky, sporadic, uncertain, unconsidered, uneven, unmethodical, unpunctual, unreliable, unsettled, unsteady, and unsystematic thoughts & musings...
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