Tuesday 8 May 2007


So I went to see Spiderman 3 last night, and I was fairly impressed. Mindless escapism for two hours with the summary of the film as such:

  • Peter Parker gets selfish.

  • P.P allows revenge to consume his soul.

  • P.P. goes all emo for awhile.

  • P.P. finds himself, and saves the day.

I don't think I've ruined it for anyone by my concise summary, and I still think you should go see it!

But it did get me thinking. Who is the best superhero? In the world of superheroes? Spiderman? Captain America? The Fantastic Four? (Do they even count as superheroes when there's four of them?!)

It's kinda strange, because all superheroes are really just everyday people, who are given gifts. Whether this is through some horrific scientific blunder or a radioactive spider, they were all just like you and me to start with. Except one. Superman. He's not one of us, yet he came to Earth and has struggled his whole life to fit in, while saving people that he has no duty or reason to save. A superhero struggles to become one of us, rather than one of us struggling to become a superhero.

Which is what Jesus did. He was the Son of God, with power and might beyond our understanding, and even when people saw it, they still couldn't quite believe it. Yet He became one of us, and lived like us, and struggled like us, yet there came a moment when He had to rise up and save each and every one of us though it would cost Him his life. And His power was still so amazing and infinite that He rose from the dead, having paid the sacrifice that we should have paid. Hallelujah.

Definitely the only true Superhero.

1 comment:

emma said...

I saw Spidey on Monday - I thought it was pretty cheesy and a bit lame! I think you pretty much summed up the whole thing making it unnecessary to actually see the film! Did you see the bit where he flew past a massive American flag!? Oh come on!! And his finger snapping walk? Lame, lame, lame. And the end?! Cheeeeeeeeeesy! Def the worst superhero film I have seen ever.