Thursday 30 April 2009


So I talked last night with a friend of mine Nick who is a regular cyclist, and his face said it all when I mentioned the 5 day limit!

Nick did give me tons of tips though which was excellent. To give you an idea of his level of interest in the sport, he's heading off to France in a few weeks for a long cycling weekend with some mates, aiming to do 60/80 miles a day. And not for charity, just for fun.

Anywho, Nick says there's a big psychological barrier every day when faced with having to get back on the bike, so has encouraged me to try two days back to back cycling. Will try to plan to have a go at that within the next week or so.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

The look of suprise...

People seem to be genuinely suprised that I have even considered this challenge let alone am going to attempt it! I don't know why.

Surely my athletic physique, healthy diet and toned buttocks all lend themselves to the idea that this cycle will be easy?!

Monday 27 April 2009

More pressure

So now that I've got some sponsors, I'm now feeling added pressure to actually succeed at this cycle!

Prior to beign sponsored, if I could not complete the cycle, at least I was only failing myself; but now that others have become involved, there is the added weight of other peoples' expectations.

When I am cycling along and faced with another 40 miles before a break, maybe I will think of my sponsors and how they will share in my triumph of completing the journey, and that will spur me on with renewed vigour.

Or not.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Breaking the Silence

So following a year of silence on the bloggin world, I am now;
1) Employed full time and working my butt off (except right now as I write this!)
2) Taken it upon myself to complete the Mizen 2 Malin cycle with a group fo people from Saintfield
3) Am getting married in July

So life is busy.

Currently the only thing worrying me is the cycle. Over 400 miles of cycling within 5 days. 7 weeks of training. Pretty intense.

Feel free to follow me as I venture forth over the next coupla months.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride!