Or not.
Spontaneous, irregular, aberrant, aimless, capricious, casual, changeable, designless, desultory, disconnected, discontinuous, eccentric, erratic, faltering, fitful, fluctuating, fragmentary, haphazard, hit-or-miss, inconstant, indiscriminate, infrequent, intermittent, jerky, nonuniform, occasional, out of order, patchy, purposeless, recurrent, shaky, sporadic, uncertain, unconsidered, uneven, unmethodical, unpunctual, unreliable, unsettled, unsteady, and unsystematic thoughts & musings...
So yet another film review. I saw 300 on Tuesday night, then Blades of Glory last night. And I am well impressed with both. Amazing action scenes, then hilarious physical gags. How can we blend the two of these together though? With something like Lethal Weapon or Rush Hour?! I don't think so; they were good, but they weren't that good.